Class Registration
Daddy & Me Grilling Out class
Sunday, June 9th 3pm
During this class Dad and his lil one will make him the most amazing cake for Fathers Day!. Yes all edible with smoke and all. No age limit for this class. This class is for everyone. Space is limited so register for this fast because it is guaranteed to fill up quickly.
*Cost: $95
*No Age Limit
*Each Dad & Me group will receive
his own custom grill cake
*Learn to make Corn on the Cobb,
Cheeseburgers , Hot Dogs, and
Steak & Shrimp Shish Kabobs
Kids baking Academy Fall Semester 2024
September 23rd -December 16th
Your child/children will learn the basics of baking cake, cupcakes, cookies and more. They will also learn how to decorate their delicious completed projects.
This Academy has four semesters: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer semester. During each semester the students will attend 7-8 sessions. Each session is not mandatory and is available A la cart. However if you think this is something your child would love then the full semester would be a Sweet journey.
Each student will receive their own personalized Chef Hat and Apron created by Kre8ting Your Ideas. Along with a bag of tools needed by the perfect Chef.